You are the light of the whole world
Sundridge & Brasted CEP School places great importance on school uniform and presenting a smart and unified school image. Please ensure all items brought into school are clearly labelled with your child's name. This enables lost property to be returned to the owner.
Generic items such as white shirts, grey rousers/shorts, black shorts may be purchased in a number of local High Street stores.
For our specific school items we prefer that they are purchased from our uniform supplier but generic items may be accepted as alternatives, with the Headteacher's prior agreement.
All school specific items below (marked with an *) are available for ordering online from Price & Buckland via their website found here:
Red polo shirt with school logo * (the previous red and black PE shirts are being phased out and replaced with plain red polo shirts, with school logo)
Red crew neck PE sweatshirt with school logo
Short white socks
Black plimsolls/Trainers
Plain black tracksuit bottoms (winter)
Other items (optional)
Drawstring PE bag with school logo *
Book bag with school logo *
Beanie hat with school logo *
Sunhat with school logo *
Water bottle (available from the school office for £1)
Please follow the link below to find our Uniform Policy: