You are the light of the whole world
At Sundridge & Brasted, we know that our children learn best when lessons are exciting, interactive and engaging. One of the best ways of ensuring that we keep learning fresh is to vary the style of delivery and provide regular opportunities for learning outside the classroom.
This involves a range of different strategies such as:
residential trips with an adventurous activity focus;
day visits to museums and galleries;
inviting visitors in to school to share their expertise;
using our forest school area for science;
using our outdoor classroom for PSHE, drama and story-telling.
using the local area for writing inspiration, geography, history or art;
visits to other local schools or local venues for broader physical education activities.
We find that when learning is hands-on and relevant, the children become increasingly absorbed in their learning, develop greater resilience and self-esteem, learn co-operation and teamwork, and often develop a new interest in subjects they may have previously dismissed.