
Sundridge and Brasted CE Primary School

You are the light of the whole world


Our partnership with parents is integral to providing your child with the best possible education.


Parents help out with clubs and school trips, as well as assisting teachers by supporting children’s reading. We benefit from a great Parent Teacher Association called ‘FOSBS’ which raises valuable funds for the school whilst providing an opportunity for parents to get to know one another better.


Our parents have assisted in making repairs around school, building new storage facilities, helping with maintaining the grounds and organising fund-raising events. They have helped with guided reading, hearing individual readers, preparing resources, PE lessons, sports matches, scenery and costumes for productions, Christmas Fayre and the summer fayre.


We take our responsibilities to parents very seriously. Three times a year parents are either invited to discuss their child’s work with the class teacher or receive and a written report on their child’s progress and achievements and targets.


We keep parents informed about school activities with weekly newsletters, via e-mail and our website


We believe that parental support, encouragement and good communication are essential to help your child’s learning, so at Sundridge & Brasted we are very fortunate that our parents do not like sitting on the sidelines or feeling left out. There are many ways in which parents can support their children and the rest of the school, whether it’s in the classroom, playing sports, going on trips or lending a hand at one of the fantastic PTA events. Whatever your skills, we will find a use for them! To find out more about helping out, call into the school office and chat to Helen Prestage who will be able to give you more details.


Please note that all safeguarding our children is of paramount importance and as such, all volunteers and helpers in school must be DBS (disbarred and banned service) checked.
