
Sundridge and Brasted CE Primary School

You are the light of the whole world

How does Sundridge & Brasted ensure the teaching team is appropriately trained to support my child’s special educational needs, emotional wellbeing and/or disability?

  • At Sundridge and Brasted we believe that your child’s learning needs will first be met through the high quality first teaching delivered by her/his class teacher and the teaching team.
  • We regularly review the school training schedule and professional development for all teaching and support staff to ensure there is the appropriate expertise to support children with special educational needs.
  • Sundridge and Brasted is able to access training programmes from different organisations including KCC Specialist Teaching Team.
  • Sundridge and Brasted is proactive in ensuring that the teaching teams and where possible, all staff, have been trained in the needs of the current cohorts attending the school. Examples include training in speech and language and  Dyslexia.
  • Specialist individual training from outside agencies is arranged when necessary.
  • All training and programmes are responsive to the needs in the current cohort.

