
Sundridge and Brasted CE Primary School

You are the light of the whole world



At Sundridge & Brasted, our computing curriculum has been tailored to the demands of the National Curriculum as well as using ‘Teach Computing’ to help guide our teachers to become confident, computing educators in doing so helping our children to flourish.   We emphasise the significance of children being E-Safety aware which is critical component of the National Curriculum. In doing so, we promote ‘Internet Safety Day’ and its core concept of raising awareness of emerging online issues. In this ever-developing world, we embark on making the children understand the dangers that come with using technology. As a result, it will allow them to shine and fulfil their potential. Our overall aim is to celebrate and improve each child's unique technological skills whilst making sure they are safe online.  


We have a focused computing curriculum in which we use ‘Teach Computing’ alongside our progression of skills and knowledge to provide coverage that enables all children to learn about computing at an age appropriate level. Teaching and learning builds progression over time with a focus on computer science, information technology, digital literacy, and E-safety. Computing has clear links with PSHE (personal, social, health, economic education) which teachers use when teaching topics such as social media, online safety and digital communication.  Children have access to hardware such as laptops and iPads to help develop their knowledge and skills. We work closely with Sevenoaks School enabling us to access to state-of-the-art equipment such as micro: bits and Arduino.  All of this helps aid our pupils' acquisition of skills and knowledge surrounding this subject.  
