Our school policies are available to read below. The school office will provide paper copies on request, free of charge.
Documents - please click to open
- Federation - Acceptable Use of Technology Policypdf
- Federation - Admissions Policypdf
- Federation - Attendance Policypdf
- Federation - Charging and Remissions Policypdf
- Federation - Child Protection Policypdf
- Federation - Children Missing Education Policypdf
- Federation - Children With Health Needs Who Cannot Attend Schoolpdf
- Federation - Complaints Procedurespdf
- Federation - Data Protection Policypdf
- Federation - Designated Teacher for Looked after Children Policypdf
- Federation - Early Years Foundation Stage Policypdf
- Federation -Educational Visits Policypdf
- Federation - Equality information and objectivespdf
- Federation - First Aid Policypdf
- Federation - Health & Safety Policypdf
- Federation - Learning Outside the Classroom Policypdf
- Federation - Privacy Notice for Children's datapdf
- Federation - Privacy Notice for Governors and Volunteerspdf
- Federation - Privacy Notice for Parents Own Datapdf
- Federation - Privacy Notice for Visitorspdf
- Federation - Safer Recruitment Policypdf
- Federation - SEND Statement and Policypdf
- Federation - Supporting Pupils with Medical Needs Policypdf
- Federation - Suspension and Permanent Exclusion Policypdf
- Sundridge & Brasted - Accessibility Audit and Planpdf
- Sundridge & Brasted - Collective Worship Policypdf
- Sundridge & Brasted - Behaviour Policypdf
- Sundridge & Brasted - Feedback Policypdf
- Sundridge & Brasted - High Attaining and Talented Policypdf
- Sundridge & Brasted - Home-School Agreementpdf
- Sundridge & Brasted - Maths Policypdf
- Sundridge & Brasted - Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) Policypdf
- Sundridge & Brasted - Photographic Image Use Policypdf
- Sundridge & Brasted - Relationships, Health and Sex Education (RSE) Policypdf
- Sundridge & Brasted - Religious Education Policypdf
- Sundridge & Brasted - Uniform Policypdf
- Kemsing - Accessibility Audit and Planpdf
- Kemsing - Behaviour Policypdf
- Kemsing - Feedback Policypdf
- Kemsing - Relationships, Sex and Health Education Policypdf