We run a number of lunchtime and after school activity clubs, which run on a termly basis and offer a variety of activities to all children. Some of the clubs incur a charge to cover school costs or are run by an outside agency who charge for their time. Others are free!
Clubs for term 4:
Club |
Day |
Time |
Staff |
Age |
Cost |
Football | Monday | 3.20pm-4.20pm | Mr Alliston | Years 3-6 | Free |
Drawing | Tuesday | 3.20pm-4.00pm | Miss Gallagher | All years | Free |
Spanish | Wednesday | 3.30pm-4.30pm | Natalia Figa | Years 2-6 | £36/term |
Tennis | Wednesday | 3.30pm-4.30pm | John Heuerman Academy | All years | £25/term |
Netball | Thursday | 3.20pm-4.20pm | Miss Cleary | Years 3-6 | FREE |
Street Dance | Friday | 3.30pm-4.30pm | DanceMode | All years | £32.50/term |